B3 Development

We are deve­lo­ping a ser­viced housing pro­duct for an acti­ve life in old age that is unat­ten­ded and sca­lable.
Our aim is a seri­al, modu­lar, sys­te­mic con­s­truc­tion that takes into account the CO2 life cycle and the ‘Sus­tainable Buil­ding QNG Plus’ qua­li­ty label.

We are crea­ting resi­den­ti­al buil­dings with open-plan ground flo­ors that com­ple­ment com­mu­ni­ty, social and ser­vice are­as with com­mer­cial uses.

Our guidelines

Rethin­king the way we live in old age

Age appro­pria­te and safe­ty con­scious with com­mu­ni­ty opti­on in per­so­nal and digi­tal

Inde­pen­dent and self-deter­mi­ned living

Ground flo­or are­as pro­vi­de com­mu­ni­ty faci­li­ties, com­fort, ser­vice and sup­port

Cura­ted ser­vices, per­so­nal and digi­tal

Con­tri­bu­ting to the social and envi­ron­men­tal tran­si­ti­on of socie­ty

Property acquisition

Planning & building application

Energy concept & subsidy applications

Project management & controlling

Marketing & initial letting


Timeline main image

Property &
Asset Management